
Monday, March 31, 2014

Class Agenda 3/31

1.  Bellringer:  Pg. activity:  Korean War
2.  Korea 1950-53 (pgs. 20-22)
3.  Brain-pop:  Korean War
4.  Current Events:  North Korea "fires" on South Korea.... Are we STILL fighting the Korean War?

HW - pgs. 20-22

Class Agenda 3/28

1.  Bellringer:  What would be the motivation for someone to "run away" from home?  Bridge into concept:  defect (verb)
2.   Berlin Airlift and Berlin Wall (pg. 15-19).  Apply concept:  defect

HW - 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Class Agenda 3/27

1.  Make a "T" chart with USA and USSR at the top...then classify the following words/adjectives:  controlled, democracy, command, capitalism, freedom, totalitarian (review from yesterday).  Brain-pop on Communism.
2.  Movie Clip:  Cold War Origins
3.  Cold War (pgs. 4-5).
4.  Do pg. 14

HW - Do pg. 7 (skip last column)

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Class Agenda 3/26: Cold War Unit

1.  Bellringer:  What does it mean when someone is acting "cold" to you (or someone is giving you the "cold shoulder?"  How does that make you feel?  Link this concept to the "Cold War"...
2.  Cold War intro (powerpoint).  Pg. 8
3.  Intro Activity (pg. 4)... UP TO "Soviet Expansion"

HW - pg. 9-13

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Class Agenda 3/25

1.  Bellringer:  Autism Awareness piece...
2.  UNIT TEST:  World War II

HW - optional extra credit?

Monday, March 24, 2014

Class Agenda 3/24

1.  Bellringer:  Pg. 57-58 Q's 1-3
2.  United  Why did the League of Nations fail?
3.  Do pg. 5, 6, 62...also - use your study guide

HW - STUDY (pg. 5, 6, 62):  WWII Test is tomorrow

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Class Agenda 3/20

1.  Bellringer:  Do pg. 59-61
2.  Powerpoint - Victory in the Pacific.
3.  Read pg. 51...Should we have used "the bomb?"
  • Manhattan Project (clip)
HW - WWII Test Tuesday 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Class Agenda 3/19

1.  Bellringer:  D-Day Clip
2.  End of the war in Europe ( see D-Day)

HW - pg. 50
       - pg. 54-56 (Webquest is EXTRA CREDIT).

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Class Agenda 3/18

1.  Bellringer:  Critical Friends Protocol for paragraph responses.
2.  Turning the Tide (
3.  D-Day (pg. 44-49)

HW - finish pg. 48-49

Monday, March 17, 2014

Class Agenda 3/17

1.  Bellringer:  Take out a sheet of paper...
2.  Review HW:  American Homefront...Create a graphic organizer/study guide:  How did World War II impact...
  • Japanese-Americans?  Pg. 29-33
  • Women?  Pg. 34
  • Economy?  Pg. 34
  • African-Americans?  Pg. 34
  • Propaganda?  Pg. 36
  • Resources (Rationing/Victory Gardens)?  Pg. 39
3.  Source Analysis:  World War II

HW - 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Class Agenda 3/14

1.  Bellringer:  Do pg. 42.
2.  Propaganda (pg. 36...we'll look at some examples in class).
HW - 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Class Agenda 3/13

1.  Bellringer:  Do pg. 35.  Discuss the homefront during World War II.
2.  QUIZ
3.  Activity:  Homefront (pg. 34) - use resources on pg. 37 for African-Americans; pg. 38 for the Economy; and pg. 40 for Women
4.  Clip on American industry in WWII

HW - Finish class work (pg. 34)
        - Active Reading pg. 39 & 41

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Class Agenda 3/11

1.  Bellringer:  Read facts on pg. 25 - watch clip.
2.  Review pg. 28.
3.  Effects of Pearl Harbor (pg. 29-33)

HW - World War II Quiz tmrrw

Monday, March 10, 2014

Class Agenda 3/10

1.  Bellringer:  Read pg. 52-53.
2.  Continue Holocaust documentary
  • Why is watching this film more valuable to us (as history students), than reading about the Holocaust in a text book?  
3.  American Neutrality? (pg. 24)

HW - none

Friday, March 7, 2014

Class Agenda 3/7

We will be taking the shortest field trip in the world...around the corner to Mr. Kline's room.  He has brought some World War II uniforms, medals, etc...and will be sharing the stories and historical background about those materials!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Class Agenda 3/6

1.  Bellringer:  Do pg. 21
2.  Hitler's Hatred (pg. 22)
3.  Class Video - "The Last Days"

HW - Do pg. 27-28

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Class Agenda 3/5

1.  Bellringer:  Identify the causes of WWII:  Ed T. Malap.  No peeking...see what you can remember.
2.  Brain-pop:  Causes of World War II
3.  Axis advances - Prezi.
4.  Adolf Hitler:  Biography.

HW -

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Class Agenda 3/4

1.  Bellringer:  Read scenario in power point.  QUESTION:  What happens next?  
2.  Review HW (pg. 19-20) - How did appeasement work out?  How is this similar to the scenario above?  
3.  Do pg. it.
4.  Ukraine update...

HW - none

Monday, March 3, 2014

Class Agenda 3/3

1.  Bellringer:  Map on pg. 10...shade the Axis Powers one color and the Allied Powers a different color...then do pg. 11.  Review.
2.  World War II - prelude to war (pg. 11-13)
3.  Ukraine update

HW - Pg. 19-20