
Monday, May 11, 2015

5/11 thru 6/10 Class Agenda

Now that we have started the final project, please consult the project calendar (in your packet) for day-to-day tasks.  If/when you are absent, please communicate with your group members!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Guinness World Record Smashed!

5/8 Class Agenda: FINAL PROJECT Kick-off!

1.  Bellringer:  Sit with your group - discuss Ruby Bridges - What struck you about her theme/message?
2.  Topic Assignments & Debrief on Finished Products.
3.  Sign Contract.
4.  Read Generation Plagiarism

HW -

Thursday, May 7, 2015

5/7 Class Agenda

1.  Bellringer:  Clear desk, and put up binder.
2.  Final Exam:  Good luck!

HW -

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

5/6 Class Agenda

1.  Bellringer:  Project Topic Selection (slideshow)…what interests you?
2.  Why should everyone have a Google Drive account?
3.  Last minute review for Final
4.  Schedule for the Ruby Bridges visit.

HW - FINAL tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

5/5 Class Agenda

1.  Bellringer:  Civil Rights "Test"
2.  Pre-view Ruby Bridges visit!  Thursday 5/7!
3.  Locate your Midterm Review Packet, and your Final Review Packet.  Let's review!

HW - STUDY!  Final Exam on 5/7

Monday, May 4, 2015

5/4 Class Agenda

1.  Bellringer:  Brain-pop on Cesar Chavez:  What was his role as a civil rights leader?
2.  Other Civil Rights Struggles (pg. 37-38).
3.  Closure:  Which group suffered the worst injustice?  Be sure to use your research to argue your response.
4.  JD Cares - Fundraiser for Nepal.  Why?

HW - STUDY for FINAL (5/7)

Friday, May 1, 2015

5/1 Class Agenda

1.  Bellringer:  The days of lynchings (like Emmett Till) are WAY behind us….right?  Watch.
2.  Discuss hate crimes and other "civil rights" issues today.
3.  Do pg. 39

HW -