Thursday, June 16, 2016
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Tues. 6/14 Class Agenda
1. Model United Nations - Meeting on 6/16 at 3:00 in Cafeteria
2. Period 2 - Collaboration Grade
3. Latest from Orlando - impact on race for the White House?
3. Movie Analysis -
HW -
2. Period 2 - Collaboration Grade
3. Latest from Orlando - impact on race for the White House?
3. Movie Analysis -
HW -
Monday, June 13, 2016
Mon. 6/13 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Collaboration Grades - use the rubric to grade your group mates for the project.
2. Clinton vs. Trump...strengths and weaknesses. Complete assignment.
3. Model United Nations? Interested next year? Come to meeting after school on June 16th...
4. Breaking News: Orlando mass shooting...
5. Presentation grades
HW -
2. Clinton vs. Trump...strengths and weaknesses. Complete assignment.
3. Model United Nations? Interested next year? Come to meeting after school on June 16th...
4. Breaking News: Orlando mass shooting...
5. Presentation grades
HW -
Friday, June 10, 2016
Fri. 6/10 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: How did Barack Obama make history? Video clip.
2. Some would argue that the honeymoon was over shortly after the election. Evaluate the presidency of Barack Obama...Read article and complete worksheet (in your Modern Era packet)
3. Discuss
HW -
2. Some would argue that the honeymoon was over shortly after the election. Evaluate the presidency of Barack Obama...Read article and complete worksheet (in your Modern Era packet)
3. Discuss
HW -
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Tues. 6/7 Class Agenda
1. Critical Friends - Mrs. Sebast's class
2. Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse!
3. Presentations - Wed & Thurs!
HW - Script work!
2. Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse!
3. Presentations - Wed & Thurs!
HW - Script work!
Monday, June 6, 2016
Mon. 6/6 Class Agenda
1. Schedule:
- Monday - Finish Checklist
- Tuesday - Rehearsal
- Wednesday & Thursday - Presentations (in library)
HW - Probably....
Friday, June 3, 2016
Fri. 6/3 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Read pg. 17 - How are you performing as a member of your group?
2. Timeline: Presentations will be on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. Plan accordingly.
3. Presentation Checklist.
HW - You tell me...
2. Timeline: Presentations will be on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. Plan accordingly.
3. Presentation Checklist.
HW - You tell me...
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Tues. 5/30 Class Agenda
1. RE-READ "Presentation Rubric" (pg. 16)
2. Write your script...prep your slides...tomorrow will be your "mock presentation" to another group. Be prepared!
2. Write your script...prep your slides...tomorrow will be your "mock presentation" to another group. Be prepared!
Friday, May 27, 2016
Fri. 5/27 Class Agenda
1. Begin Group Presentation work (pg. 13).
2. See Rubric (pg. 16)
3. If you are absent today, contact your group.
HW - presentation should be ready at the start of class on WEDNESDAY for peer review...
2. See Rubric (pg. 16)
3. If you are absent today, contact your group.
HW - presentation should be ready at the start of class on WEDNESDAY for peer review...
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Thurs. 5/26 Class Agenda
NYS Science Exam (Performance) - When not testing, you will have plenty to work on:
Science review packet - Math Review sheet - ELA/SS Letter due tomorrow!
Science review packet - Math Review sheet - ELA/SS Letter due tomorrow!
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Wed. 5/25 Class Agenda
1. Do we have answers to some of Mr. Law's questions regarding our thesis? Continue researching...
2. How does your proposal make America a better place?
HW - Know Thyself...paper due at beginning of class on FRIDAY
2. How does your proposal make America a better place?
HW - Know Thyself...paper due at beginning of class on FRIDAY
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Tues. 5/24 Class Agenda
1. Do you have your proposals...? AND - are you ready to run them by me?
2. Fine-tune...continue to research & compose your letter (follow directions on 14-15)
HW - Know Thyself...
2. Fine-tune...continue to research & compose your letter (follow directions on 14-15)
HW - Know Thyself...
Monday, May 23, 2016
Mon. 5/23 Class Agenda
1. Group meeting: Sit down with "Project Management Log" - Discuss progress over weekend. Fill out the bottom.
2. Sit at computer with your group and solidify your Thesis/Arguement
3. Budget your time for Step 6!
HW - Step 6 due FRIDAY
2. Sit at computer with your group and solidify your Thesis/Arguement
3. Budget your time for Step 6!
HW - Step 6 due FRIDAY
Friday, May 20, 2016
Fri. 5/20 Class Agenda
1. Why is it helpful to look at the news DAILY?
2. Professional emails may help! Think "Career Project!"
3. Tablet - and next week?
4. Thesis/Argument Construction Activity
2. Professional emails may help! Think "Career Project!"
3. Tablet - and next week?
4. Thesis/Argument Construction Activity
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Tues. 5/17 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Sit with your group.
2. Step 5 Development: Brainstorm potential proposals to help solve the problem. Continue research and note taking. Which are the best proposal(s)?
HW - ?
2. Step 5 Development: Brainstorm potential proposals to help solve the problem. Continue research and note taking. Which are the best proposal(s)?
HW - ?
Mon. 5/16 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Quiz on your topic
2. "Grade" a group mate
3. Continue Topic Summary assignment
HW - ?
2. "Grade" a group mate
3. Continue Topic Summary assignment
HW - ?
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Thurs. 5/12 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Are opinions on your topic a good thing or bad thing? Both?
2. Screen shot tutorial
3. Band Trip tomorrow? Plan your homework time accordingly! You should make up for all the time you miss over the weekend (and/or on the bus)
4. Library/Lab
HW - ?
2. Screen shot tutorial
3. Band Trip tomorrow? Plan your homework time accordingly! You should make up for all the time you miss over the weekend (and/or on the bus)
4. Library/Lab
HW - ?
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Wed. 5/11 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Read Step will ALL take a quiz and write a paper regarding those questions. Let that guide your research.
2. What does "C.A.R.S." stand for? How do you know if you have a credible source?
3. "I can't find anything on...." - How to fix that problem? Also - consider the articles on my blog.
4. Remember: Exercise proper etiquette while using technology
5. Research, Read, Research, Read! - Library/Lab
HW - ?
2. What does "C.A.R.S." stand for? How do you know if you have a credible source?
3. "I can't find anything on...." - How to fix that problem? Also - consider the articles on my blog.
4. Remember: Exercise proper etiquette while using technology
5. Research, Read, Research, Read! - Library/Lab
HW - ?
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Tues. 5/10 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Sit with your groups - get your articles if you still need them.
HW -
- Sharing on Google Drive - comments
- Google Drive notes
- JD email tricks
HW -
Monday, May 9, 2016
Mon. 5/9 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: What if you are out sick during this project? How can you manage your responsibilities to your group? Email, texting, Google Drive!
2. Decide on a note taking strategy: Cards, Drive, Notebook?
3. Project Steps 1-2 (pg. 10 - 11). For some of your topics, we have a second here. It might be in your best interest to take a look at this as you transition to Step 3.
HW - depends on how you use your time...
2. Decide on a note taking strategy: Cards, Drive, Notebook?
3. Project Steps 1-2 (pg. 10 - 11). For some of your topics, we have a second here. It might be in your best interest to take a look at this as you transition to Step 3.
HW - depends on how you use your time...
Friday, May 6, 2016
Friday 5/6 Class Agenda - FINAL PROJECT KICK-OFF!
1. Bellringer: Read pg. 1. Even though you are not a voter, YOU MATTER!
2. Final Project Debriefing
3. Generation Plagiarism
4. Group Contract
HW -
Link to articles
2. Final Project Debriefing
3. Generation Plagiarism
4. Group Contract
HW -
Link to articles
Monday, May 2, 2016
Mon. 5/2 - THRU - Thurs. 5/5
- Political Typology Quiz: See Mr. Law for the handout.
- If you don't finish in the allotted time, please use this link, and click the appropriate "type"
- Review your work...discuss current election...where do the candidates fall on the "spectrum?"
1. Bellringer: Can you name ALL the presidents on your packet cover?
2. Modern Era Unit Independent Study. Over the next 3 days, you will be researching the presidencies of Nixon through George W. Bush. Use the resources in class, and the video clips below, to complete your "Modern Era" packet.
1. Bellringer: Can you name ALL the presidents on your packet cover?
2. Modern Era Unit Independent Study. Over the next 3 days, you will be researching the presidencies of Nixon through George W. Bush. Use the resources in class, and the video clips below, to complete your "Modern Era" packet.
- Richard Nixon: Watergate clip. Why did he do it?
- Gerald Ford
- Jimmy Carter
- Review your work...
1. Bellringer: Why did Ronald Reagan (clip) appeal to Americans in the 1980s?
- Ronald Reagan
- George H.W. Bush
- Review your work...
1. Bellringer: If a president does a good job, but makes bad choices in his/her personal life, should that matter to the American people? Watch the clip below....then explain.
- Bill Clinton
- George W. Bush & Interview
- Review your work...
- Closure: Read the article on the amount of money that we spend on our ex-presidents, and answer the question that follows.
Friday, April 22, 2016
Fri. 4/22 Class Agenda
Period 2 - Report to your assigned class to work on your Math project
Period 3 - Report to your assigned class to take your Civil Rights quiz, and work on ELA assignment(s)
Period 6 - Report to your assigned class to work on Science Review Packet.
Period 8/9 - Talent Show
Period 3 - Report to your assigned class to take your Civil Rights quiz, and work on ELA assignment(s)
Period 6 - Report to your assigned class to work on Science Review Packet.
Period 8/9 - Talent Show
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Thurs. 4/21 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Complete assignment from yesterday...questions 7-8.
2. Other Civil Rights Groups (pg. 37) - use textbook
HW - Quiz tomorrow
- Four Perfect Pebbles?
2. Other Civil Rights Groups (pg. 37) - use textbook
HW - Quiz tomorrow
- Four Perfect Pebbles?
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Wed. 4/20 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Look at the bottom of pg. 10…What is the artist's message? Can any student be successful in ANY public school? Explain.
2. Source Analysis: Civil Rights speech (JFK)
3. Use Post-Standard resource (link) to complete the extension assignment (on your own).
HW - Finish Extension
- Four Perfect Pebbles
2. Source Analysis: Civil Rights speech (JFK)
3. Use Post-Standard resource (link) to complete the extension assignment (on your own).
HW - Finish Extension
- Four Perfect Pebbles
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Tues. 4/19 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Complete 5-6 using in-class resources.
2. Discuss LBJ's "Great Society" - has it helped America?
3. Civil Rights Today: Hate Crimes
HW - Quiz Friday
2. Discuss LBJ's "Great Society" - has it helped America?
3. Civil Rights Today: Hate Crimes
HW - Quiz Friday
Monday, April 18, 2016
Mon. 4/18 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: All of those changes during the 60s cleared up all the segregation issues, right? Read here.
2. Civil after the legislation.
2. Civil after the legislation.
- Clips 4 & 5 (pg. 26)
- Power point & James Craig Anderson
HW -
Friday, April 15, 2016
Fri. 4/15 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Did President Lyndon B. Johnson really change the political landscape forever? Look at the shift of many of the southern states between 1952 and 1964.
2. Contrast the visions of Martin Luther King, Jr and Malcolm X (pg. 25). Use in-class resources to complete the Malcolm X portion of the venn diagram.
3. Black Power Movement (
HW -
2. Contrast the visions of Martin Luther King, Jr and Malcolm X (pg. 25). Use in-class resources to complete the Malcolm X portion of the venn diagram.
3. Black Power Movement (
- The significance of the 1968 Olympics (start at 2:30)
HW -
- Four Perfect Pebbles
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Thurs. 4/14 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Other integration struggles...Jackie Robinson
2. View Civil Rights Highlights Clips (pg. 26)...civil disobedience in action.
3. Closure: Based on the footage you saw in the clips...Why do you think TV was so important in the successes of the Civil Rights movement? How was this similar to what we discussed about the TV and the Vietnam War? How does Social Media play a similar role today?
HW -
- Four Perfect Pebbles?
2. View Civil Rights Highlights Clips (pg. 26)...civil disobedience in action.
3. Closure: Based on the footage you saw in the clips...Why do you think TV was so important in the successes of the Civil Rights movement? How was this similar to what we discussed about the TV and the Vietnam War? How does Social Media play a similar role today?
HW -
- Four Perfect Pebbles?
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Wed. 4/13 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: New Seats...New Marking Period. Emmett Till Gallery Walk...Let's take a moment to check out one another's work.
2. Case Study: boycott of school lunch in Connecticut.
3. Central High Clip (1957)...Ruby Bridges (1960)
HW -
- Four Perfect Pebbles?
2. Case Study: boycott of school lunch in Connecticut.
3. Central High Clip (1957)...Ruby Bridges (1960)
HW -
- Four Perfect Pebbles?
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Tues. 4/12 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Open to pg. 21...and read directions carefully
2. Complete pg. 21 during class today
3. Examine pg. 10...what is the artist saying about segregation today? Do you agree or disagree? Explain...
HW - Till (pg. 7) due TMRRW!
- Four Perfect Pebbles?
2. Complete pg. 21 during class today
3. Examine pg. 10...what is the artist saying about segregation today? Do you agree or disagree? Explain...
HW - Till (pg. 7) due TMRRW!
- Four Perfect Pebbles?
Monday, April 11, 2016
Mon. 4/11 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Complete pgs. 11-12. Making inferences...question 4.
2. Integration of schools (pg. 13-20). Complete questions on pg. 20
3. Work on Till assignment (pg. 7)
- Four Perfect Pebbles?
2. Integration of schools (pg. 13-20). Complete questions on pg. 20
3. Work on Till assignment (pg. 7)
- Four Perfect Pebbles?
Friday, April 8, 2016
Fri. 4/8 Class Agenda
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Thurs. 4/7 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: In one word, summarize your impression of what you saw yesterday. Any questions regarding the story thus far...let's get those cleared up.
2. Watch: The Funeral 30:41 - 52:00
HW -
- Four Perfect Pebbles?
2. Watch: The Funeral 30:41 - 52:00
HW -
- Four Perfect Pebbles?
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Wed. 4/6 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Write a 20 word summary of the Till story (thus far)...
2. Watch - 15:36 - 30:41 (Till "The Funeral")
HW -
- Four Perfect Pebbles?
2. Watch - 15:36 - 30:41 (Till "The Funeral")
HW -
- Four Perfect Pebbles?
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Tues. 4/5 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: What rights are we guaranteed by our Constitution? Bridge discussion to the Civil Rights Era and segregation. Rights were NOT guaranteed to our African-American citizens...
2. Civil Rights Case Study: Emmett Till. Why was Emmett Till so important to the Civil Rights Era? Watch up to 16:00
2. Civil Rights Case Study: Emmett Till. Why was Emmett Till so important to the Civil Rights Era? Watch up to 16:00
HW -
- Order Four Perfect Pebbles?
- Order Four Perfect Pebbles?
Guest Author Coming Soon!

Monday, April 4, 2016
Mon. 4/4 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Binder up - Desk cleared
2. QUIZ: Cold War Final
3. Clip - Space program and trip to the moon; Civil Rights intro
HW -
2. QUIZ: Cold War Final
3. Clip - Space program and trip to the moon; Civil Rights intro
HW -
Friday, April 1, 2016
Fri. 4/1 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Nixon's Cold War & Vietnam (clip). Ping-pong Diplomacy & Detente.
2. Cold War Around the World (pg. 44)
3. From Russia With Hope (pg. 45-46)
HW - Cold War FINAL quiz MONDAY (pg. 4-5; know leaders names; and be able to contrast the 2 power blocs)
- Source Analysis Paragraph?
2. Cold War Around the World (pg. 44)
3. From Russia With Hope (pg. 45-46)
HW - Cold War FINAL quiz MONDAY (pg. 4-5; know leaders names; and be able to contrast the 2 power blocs)
- Source Analysis Paragraph?
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Wed. 3/30 - Thurs. 3/31 Class Agenda
WED 3/30
1. Bellringer: Read the top of pg. 41
2. Inquiry on the Vietnam War: Is protest patriotic? We will be drawing our own conclusions by completing pgs. 41-42. Please click here for the necessary primary and secondary resources.
HW - Finish pg. 41-42
THURS 3/31
1. Bellringer: Complete #3 on top of pg. 43 (use link above)
2. Discuss classwork from yesterday
3. Begin "Source Analysis" writing assignment: Was Vietnam-era protest patriotic? Use 3 examples in your analysis.
HW - complete Source Analysis writing assignment
1. Bellringer: Read the top of pg. 41
2. Inquiry on the Vietnam War: Is protest patriotic? We will be drawing our own conclusions by completing pgs. 41-42. Please click here for the necessary primary and secondary resources.
HW - Finish pg. 41-42
THURS 3/31
1. Bellringer: Complete #3 on top of pg. 43 (use link above)
2. Discuss classwork from yesterday
3. Begin "Source Analysis" writing assignment: Was Vietnam-era protest patriotic? Use 3 examples in your analysis.
HW - complete Source Analysis writing assignment
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Tues. 3/29 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Review classwork…watch Brain-pop to review important themes.
2. Vietnam War (pg. 38). Abridged version posted here.
2. Vietnam War (pg. 38). Abridged version posted here.
- Watch clip…identify two ways "booby traps" impacted the American military in Vietnam.
- Cu Chi did network impact the war in Vietnam?
Monday, March 28, 2016
Mon. 3/28 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: What was the domino theory?
2. "Fall of Saigon" - do pgs. 36-37
3. Discuss "Closure" on pg. 37
HW - pg. 39
2. "Fall of Saigon" - do pgs. 36-37
3. Discuss "Closure" on pg. 37
HW - pg. 39
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Wed. 3/23 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: "Dot" simulation…
2. Red Scare (Again…) pg. 33
3. Case Study: Alger Hiss. Was he a "dot"…or not???
2. Red Scare (Again…) pg. 33
3. Case Study: Alger Hiss. Was he a "dot"…or not???
HW -
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Tues. 3/22 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Binder up, desk cleared.
2. QUIZ: Cold War Part I
3. "The Rosenberg Trial" (pg. 34-35) - use in-class reading packet.
HW -
2. QUIZ: Cold War Part I
3. "The Rosenberg Trial" (pg. 34-35) - use in-class reading packet.
HW -
Monday, March 21, 2016
Mon. 3/21 Class Agenda
Notes on Cuban Missile Crisis (missed from Friday)...on the page AFTER #13
1a. Bellringer: Share your Butter Battle Book endings...
1b. Bellringer: How are your interests/hobbies/music/likes/dislikes different from your parents or guardians? Create a venn diagram to compare & contrast. Introduce concept of generation gap
1a. Bellringer: Share your Butter Battle Book endings...
1b. Bellringer: How are your interests/hobbies/music/likes/dislikes different from your parents or guardians? Create a venn diagram to compare & contrast. Introduce concept of generation gap
2. 1950s American Culture clip: Interstate Highway Act, suburbs, new technology
HW - Cold War (part I) Quiz TOMORROW (Review Part I of your packet...and pgs. 4-5 #'s 1-17)
Friday, March 18, 2016
Fri. 3/18 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Complete pg. 30...discuss.
2. Cuban Missile Crisis (pg. 27-30)
3. Summary (
HW - "Butter Battle" ending due MONDAY
2. Cuban Missile Crisis (pg. 27-30)
3. Summary (
HW - "Butter Battle" ending due MONDAY
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Thurs. 3/17 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Read pg. 23
2. Watch the reading of the "Butter Battle Book"...complete pg. 23 (top). Discuss answers to questions.
3. Activity: begin bottom of pg. 23
HW - Dr. Seuss "Butter Battle" assignment due on MONDAY
2. Watch the reading of the "Butter Battle Book"...complete pg. 23 (top). Discuss answers to questions.
3. Activity: begin bottom of pg. 23
HW - Dr. Seuss "Butter Battle" assignment due on MONDAY
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Wed. 3/16 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Complete pg. 22
2. Korean War Activity (pg. 19-21)
3. Closure: Brain-pop
HW -
2. Korean War Activity (pg. 19-21)
3. Closure: Brain-pop
HW -
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Tues. 3/15 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Pg. 26...bomb drill primary source. What was the purpose of this document? How did the arms race impact life in America? Clip.
2. The Cold War - Ike and JFK (pg. 24-25)...Compare and contrast their approaches to the Cold War
3. Current Events: Nuclear weapons in the world today. North Korean warheads.
HW -
2. The Cold War - Ike and JFK (pg. 24-25)...Compare and contrast their approaches to the Cold War
3. Current Events: Nuclear weapons in the world today. North Korean warheads.
HW -
Monday, March 14, 2016
Mon. 3/14 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: What would be the motivation for someone to "run away" from home? Read pg. 18…what was the motivation for someone to "run away" from communist East Germany? Bridge into concept: defect (verb) -
2. Berlin Airlift and Berlin Wall (pg. 14-17). Apply concept: defect
HW -
Friday, March 11, 2016
Fri. 3/11 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: See first slide of power point
2. Class Activity (pg. 10-11). This is a little different (more organized) wrinkle on our MVP format...which will be put to good use at JDHS! Use classroom reading packet.
HW - Pg. 8
2. Class Activity (pg. 10-11). This is a little different (more organized) wrinkle on our MVP format...which will be put to good use at JDHS! Use classroom reading packet.
HW - Pg. 8
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Thurs. 3/10 Class Agenda: Cold War Unit
1. Bellringer: Read "A Curtain of Iron" and complete 1-4 on pg. 9. Discuss and complete 5-6 with your table partner.
2. What does it mean when someone is acting "cold" to you (or someone is giving you the "cold shoulder?" How does that make you feel? Link this concept to the "Cold War"...
3. Refresher on communism (Brain-pop).
4. Contrast the 2 power "blocs" (pg. 7)
HW -
2. What does it mean when someone is acting "cold" to you (or someone is giving you the "cold shoulder?" How does that make you feel? Link this concept to the "Cold War"...
3. Refresher on communism (Brain-pop).
4. Contrast the 2 power "blocs" (pg. 7)
HW -
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Tues. 3/8 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Finally, a feel-good story from World War II. Complete the reading assignment. If you finish early, work on your homework (It's been a loooooooong unit).
2. Source Analysis Feedback (New Deal). How can I improve as a writer?
- Pgs. 5, 6, and 47 ("Know Thyself")
2. Source Analysis Feedback (New Deal). How can I improve as a writer?
- Pgs. 5, 6, and 47 ("Know Thyself")
Monday, March 7, 2016
Mon. 3/7 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Read 57-58 in Reading Packet...What did Oswego have to do with World War II? How did "immigrants" get round quotas to become American citizens?
2. Do pgs. 42-44 - How did the Nuremberg Trials hold leaders accountable for their actions during World War II?
3. Milgram Experiment
- Pgs. 5, 6, and 47 ("Know Thyself")
2. Do pgs. 42-44 - How did the Nuremberg Trials hold leaders accountable for their actions during World War II?
3. Milgram Experiment
- Pgs. 5, 6, and 47 ("Know Thyself")
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Thurs. 3/3 - Fri. 3/4 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Analyze the quotes on pg. 16
2. Holocaust documentary - the people profiled were roughly your age when they rounded up during the Holocaust. TASK: use today and tomorrow as an exercise in EMPATHY (one of our 5 Keys at JDMS).
3. Liberation of the Camps (Viewer discretion advised).
HW - WWII Test WEDNESDAY. "Know Thyself"...(pgs. 5-6 & 47).
2. Holocaust documentary - the people profiled were roughly your age when they rounded up during the Holocaust. TASK: use today and tomorrow as an exercise in EMPATHY (one of our 5 Keys at JDMS).
3. Liberation of the Camps (Viewer discretion advised).
HW - WWII Test WEDNESDAY. "Know Thyself"...(pgs. 5-6 & 47).
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Wed. 3/2 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: In your Classroom Reading Packet, read pg. 51: LIST text-based evidence to support this claim: The Atomic Bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki had devastating effects.
2. Clip: Manhattan Project.
3. Should America have dropped the Atomic Bomb? (pg. 45) See Mr. Law for reading assignment. Victory in the Pacific (
HW -
2. Clip: Manhattan Project.
3. Should America have dropped the Atomic Bomb? (pg. 45) See Mr. Law for reading assignment. Victory in the Pacific (
HW -
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Tues. 3/1 Class Agenda
Monday, February 29, 2016
Mon. 2/29 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Do pg. 37 - D-Day Map Analysis. What is a "turning point?" Major turning points...
2. D-Day class activity (pg. 38) - use in-class reading packet.
3. Movie clip: D-Day.
HW - pg. 40-41 Holocaust
2. D-Day class activity (pg. 38) - use in-class reading packet.
3. Movie clip: D-Day.
HW - pg. 40-41 Holocaust
Friday, February 26, 2016
Fri. 2/26 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: What was the role of propaganda? Quick overview from yesterday..."Ride with Hitler..."
2. Propaganda analysis (pg. 27) - see Mr. Law for the examples if you are absent.
HW -
2. Propaganda analysis (pg. 27) - see Mr. Law for the examples if you are absent.
- Use "Education for Death" for the bottom of pg. 27
HW -
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Thurs. 2/25 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Read pg. 32 and answer the following:
- Underline TWO statistics (text-based) that support this claim: The number of American women in the work force increased during World War II.
- Complete this sentence: "Rosie the Riveter propaganda was intended to..."
2. Complete pg. 34 using the class reading packet (see Mr. Law if you miss class today).
3. Time left? Complete pgs. 35-36 as enrichment...
3. Time left? Complete pgs. 35-36 as enrichment...
HW -
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Wed. 2/24 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Open to pg. 27 (How did internment disrupt Japanese American's lives?). Review.
2. Complete pgs. 28-31. How did the Korematsu case illustrate the division in the United States over internment? Was the Civil Liberties Act of 1988 the right thing to do?
HW -
2. Complete pgs. 28-31. How did the Korematsu case illustrate the division in the United States over internment? Was the Civil Liberties Act of 1988 the right thing to do?
HW -
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Tues. 2/23 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Re-read pg. 20-21 (as a review from prior to vacation)
2. Should freedom be sacrificed in the name of national security? A case-study of the internment of Japanese-Americans (pgs. 23-26). What were the reasons for and against internment? How did internment disrupt the lives of Japanese-Americans?
HW -
2. Should freedom be sacrificed in the name of national security? A case-study of the internment of Japanese-Americans (pgs. 23-26). What were the reasons for and against internment? How did internment disrupt the lives of Japanese-Americans?
HW -
Monday, February 22, 2016
Mon. 2/22 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Which Republican won in South Carolina? Who dropped out after South Carolina? What does this mean going forward...
2. Bridge the World War II gap. Today, we will try to get back on track with World War II with some review.
HW -
2. Bridge the World War II gap. Today, we will try to get back on track with World War II with some review.
HW -
Friday, February 12, 2016
Fri. 2/12 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Do pg. 20
2. Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor? Watch clip...discuss problems with film (Hollywood vs. History). Check out the Arizona Memorial.
3. FDR's speech on December 8th (pg. 21).
HW -
2. Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor? Watch clip...discuss problems with film (Hollywood vs. History). Check out the Arizona Memorial.
3. FDR's speech on December 8th (pg. 21).
HW -
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Thurs. 2/11 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: What were the long-term causes of World War II...remember Ed T. Malap...
2. "Axis Advances" - A visual history of the first stages of World War II (Prezi)...and the Battle of Britain.
3. Do pg. 18...why was it a good idea for America to remain neutral? Bad idea? Do pg. 19.
HW -
2. "Axis Advances" - A visual history of the first stages of World War II (Prezi)...and the Battle of Britain.
3. Do pg. 18...why was it a good idea for America to remain neutral? Bad idea? Do pg. 19.
HW -
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Wed. 3/10 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Watch clip - When we studied the conclusion of World War I, we discussed the following statement: "The seeds of World War II were planted at the Treaty of Versailles." Explain.
2. Summarize the Causes of World War I: Brain-pop.
2. Summarize the Causes of World War I: Brain-pop.
- Do pg. 13
3. War Opens
HW -
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Tues. 2/9 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Do. pg. 12, then shade the Axis and Allies on your map(s).
2. Do pg. 11 - discuss.
3. Group Activity on appeasement (pgs. 14-15). What is the similarity between the "father & daughter dilemma," and appeasement with Hitler?
2. Do pg. 11 - discuss.
3. Group Activity on appeasement (pgs. 14-15). What is the similarity between the "father & daughter dilemma," and appeasement with Hitler?
- Enrichment Clip: "Appeasement & Anschluss" How did appeasement apply to Italy as well? How did the League of Nations react to the Italian invasion of Ethiopia? Was Mussolini similar to the "daughter in the mall" from our story?
HW -
Monday, February 8, 2016
Mon. 2/8 Class Agenda: World War II Unit
1. Bellringer: Test your knowledge..."T chart" - which were the good guys? Bad guys? Japan, USA, USSR, Germany, Britain, Italy, Axis Power, Allied Powers
2. Brain-pop: Adolf Hitler
3. Rise of Dictators (pg. 7-8)
4. Complete map assignment (pg. 9-10)...use your map in your panner or some other resource.
5. Time Permiting: First 5 minutes of this
HW - finish map?
2. Brain-pop: Adolf Hitler
3. Rise of Dictators (pg. 7-8)
4. Complete map assignment (pg. 9-10)...use your map in your panner or some other resource.
5. Time Permiting: First 5 minutes of this
HW - finish map?
Fri. 2/5 Class Agenda
Mrs. Placito was in today to begin to put together your schedule for next year.
HW - Bring your schedule home and return by 2/12
Thurs. 2/4 Class Agenda
Your High School Guidance Counselors visited to talk with you about next year. In addition, there was an "elective presentation" about the classes you can sign up for next year.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Wed. 2/3 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Binder up, desk cleared.
2. TEST: Great Depression
HW - Continue to prep pg. 1
2. TEST: Great Depression
HW - Continue to prep pg. 1
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Tues. 2/2 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Do pg. 28...FDR's Report Card. Cite specifics from your unit of study.
2. Prep "Compelling Question" (pg. 1)
3. Movie Clip: "Bust"
2. Prep "Compelling Question" (pg. 1)
3. Movie Clip: "Bust"
HW - TEST on WEDNESDAY (pg. 4 & 30)
- Source Analysis on Thursday (pg. 1)
Monday, February 1, 2016
Mon. 2/1 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Label the legislation on pg. of the 3 R's from the New Deal
2. Complete pgs. 23-25
3. Criticism of the New Deal (pg. 26)
2. Complete pgs. 23-25
3. Criticism of the New Deal (pg. 26)
- Cartoon analysis Pg. 27
4. What are the Iowa Caucuses??? Why do they matter?
HW - TEST on WEDNESDAY (pg. 4 & 30)
- Source Analysis on Thursday (pg. 1)
Friday, January 29, 2016
Fri. 1/29 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Take "Self-Assessment"...what have you learned thus far?
2. New President: New Deal (pg. 18)
3. How did the New Deal Help America? (pg. 21-22)
HW - Test on Wednesday
2. New President: New Deal (pg. 18)
3. How did the New Deal Help America? (pg. 21-22)
HW - Test on Wednesday
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Wed. 1/27-1/28 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Read pg. 17, then discuss the task.
2. Movie analysis and application to the Great Depression.
3. Complete the written portion after the film (Thursday)
HW - Pg. 17 Extra Credit due Friday
2. Movie analysis and application to the Great Depression.
3. Complete the written portion after the film (Thursday)
HW - Pg. 17 Extra Credit due Friday
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Tues. 1/26 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: How did Herbert Hoover approach the Great Depression (pg. 12-13)?
2. Hoover Report Card (pg. 14) - need textbook
HW -
2. Hoover Report Card (pg. 14) - need textbook
- Bonus Army Clip
HW -
Monday, January 25, 2016
Mon. 1/25 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: What were the 3 main causes for the Great Depression (sob...)
2. Effects of the Great Depression (pg. 16) - use reading packet
3. The Dust Bowl (pg. 15) - use reading packet
HW -
2. Effects of the Great Depression (pg. 16) - use reading packet
3. The Dust Bowl (pg. 15) - use reading packet
HW -
Friday, January 22, 2016
Fri. 1/22 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Complete pg. 6 (Cause - Effect Chart)
3. Effects of Great Depression (pg. 8 - bottom)
4. Do "Worksheet 114" (Unemployment chart) on pg. 11
HW -
- Recap of yesterday's class...Brain-pop: Causes of the Great Depression
3. Effects of Great Depression (pg. 8 - bottom)
4. Do "Worksheet 114" (Unemployment chart) on pg. 11
HW -
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Thurs. 1/21 Class Agenda: Great Depression Unit
1. Bellringer: Do pg. 7..."Importance of jobs & money in a healthy economy?"
2. Stock Market Crash (pg. 9)
3. Summary: Causes of the Great Depression (pg. 8)
HW -
2. Stock Market Crash (pg. 9)
3. Summary: Causes of the Great Depression (pg. 8)
HW -
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Wed. 1/20 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Celebrating Martin Luther King Day....See slides!
2. Complete "Reading for Meaning" for the "March on Washington" article.
3. Complete closure page
HW - Finish "closure" page, if need be...
2. Complete "Reading for Meaning" for the "March on Washington" article.
3. Complete closure page
HW - Finish "closure" page, if need be...
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Thurs. 1/14 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Complete pg. 17 & 19
2. Review Prohibition & the resurgence of Nativism
3. Discuss Midterm Review Packet
HW - MIDTERM EXAM TOMORROW! How much should I study? "Know Thyself"...
2. Review Prohibition & the resurgence of Nativism
3. Discuss Midterm Review Packet
HW - MIDTERM EXAM TOMORROW! How much should I study? "Know Thyself"...
Monday, January 11, 2016
Mon. 1/11 - Tues. 1/12 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Harlem Renaissance Introduction
2. In-class Project: Harlem Renaissance. Use class resources to research your topics/people, and create a "mural" and a cinquain poem summarizing your research. We will be starting TODAY (1/11) in our groups, and finishing tomorrow (1/12).
- Midterm Exam - Friday 1/15
2. In-class Project: Harlem Renaissance. Use class resources to research your topics/people, and create a "mural" and a cinquain poem summarizing your research. We will be starting TODAY (1/11) in our groups, and finishing tomorrow (1/12).
- Day 1 - Together, get your research completed
- Day 2 - Brainstorm creative pieces & delegate responsibilities
- Midterm Exam - Friday 1/15
Friday, January 8, 2016
Fri. 1/8 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Do pg. 14
2. Watch: Henry Ford clip.
4. Making inferences: By 1927-28, the market became saturated with new cars (and other consumer goods). How did the automobile companies react to slumping sales? Foreshadowing...
HW - MIDTERM Friday 1/15
- Midterm Review Packet - pg. 5
2. Watch: Henry Ford clip.
- How were Ford's workers treated?
- Review your response for question 4 on pg. 14
4. Making inferences: By 1927-28, the market became saturated with new cars (and other consumer goods). How did the automobile companies react to slumping sales? Foreshadowing...
HW - MIDTERM Friday 1/15
- Midterm Review Packet - pg. 5
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Thurs. 1/7 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: How does one make/lose money by buying stock? Review previous learning, and bridge to class activity.
2. Brain-pop: Stock Market
3. The economic "boom" of the 1920s Stock Market ("Getting Rich Quickly," in-class article). Follow the directions on pg. 12
HW - MIDTERM Review pg. 4
- MIDTERM EXAM - January 15th
2. Brain-pop: Stock Market
3. The economic "boom" of the 1920s Stock Market ("Getting Rich Quickly," in-class article). Follow the directions on pg. 12
HW - MIDTERM Review pg. 4
- MIDTERM EXAM - January 15th
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Wed. 1/6 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Complete this statement: "If I was given $500, I would....." Bridge class discussion into ideas of consumerism....contrast buying on credit with discretionary spending
2. "Advertising in the 1920s" (pg. 10)
3. Economic Boom of the 1920s (pg. 11)
HW - Read pg. 12, and for each "A" - create 1 MVP (most valuable point).
2. "Advertising in the 1920s" (pg. 10)
3. Economic Boom of the 1920s (pg. 11)
HW - Read pg. 12, and for each "A" - create 1 MVP (most valuable point).
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Tues. 1/5 Class Agenda
1. Bellringer: Define "normal." Why do you think people wanted to return to "normalcy" after World War I?
2. Return to Normalcy (pg. 6)
3. Contrast Victorian ideals (pg. 7) with the video clip - then complete pg. 8
4. Overview of the 1920s (pg. 9)
HW - Pg. 2 midterm review
2. Return to Normalcy (pg. 6)
3. Contrast Victorian ideals (pg. 7) with the video clip - then complete pg. 8
4. Overview of the 1920s (pg. 9)
HW - Pg. 2 midterm review
Monday, January 4, 2016
Mon. 1/4 Class Agenda: Roaring 20s Unit
1. Bellringer: Midterm Review packet directions.
2. Roaring 20s was the "Return to Normalcy" anything BUT normal?????
HW - Midterm Review pg. 1
2. Roaring 20s was the "Return to Normalcy" anything BUT normal?????
HW - Midterm Review pg. 1
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